how to build a website

Start Building Your Own Website Immediately

Click below to download the latest version of our award winning BlueVoda Website builder, and get your website online today!

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create website site builder

Finally a Website Maker Worth Using

Hi, my name is Mark! I’m a twenty-two year old student, entrepreneur and proud user of BlueVoda website maker. This website maker has given me an opportunity to create website for my small business. It also helped boost my business, which I needed badly to sustain my studies. I’m glad I found the website maker while browsing for information on how to create website since I was able to create website without spending. I could not afford the service fee of professional website designer, so the website maker is a gift from above.

I have been working since the age of 17 to help my parents and myself. I’m a self-supporting student and on my final year in college. My family had a small bakery that closed down because business was not good. At that time, I needed money to pay for college so I did what I had to do. I started making our family specialty, empanada or pastry turnover filled with meat and other fillings. I started selling around the neighborhood, friends and school. I was making enough to send myself to school and augment the family income. Now that I’m about to graduate, with only one year to go I wanted to focus on my small business. And I figured a website will help me achieve my goals and since I cannot afford professional help it is more practical to create website.

The realization that it’s about time to increase my customers came to me six months ago. One of my customers asked for my website and since I didn’t have one, I just smiled and told him politely that I don’t have one. He said I should create website to increase my customers. I know a lot of establishments have their own website so it really makes sense to have one.  So, I asked my friends and family if they know someone who can create website for my business. But they didn’t know anyone, especially someone who could create website for less.

I really wanted to put up a website, my online bakery. But I didn’t have money to pay someone to create website. I decided to browse the internet for information. I know that many bloggers create website on their own. If they can do it, I’m confident that I can create website too. And I was right! BlueVoda website maker is easy to use that I was able to create website fast. The website maker made things easier for people like me who have no prior experience or knowledge in html.

My computer skills are limited, but thanks to the drag and drop feature of the website maker I was able to create website, an awesome website. My family, friends and customers love my website and the fact that I can now offer promos. How I did it, why it is easy for me to create website without anyone’s help. Well, the website maker image has an image library. It contains hundreds of free templates, logos, background, webpage, and website headers that I can download. So, I just choose the templates that I like to create website. Of course, my work has been much easier because of the video tutorials. The website maker has dozens of videos that cover every aspect of designing a website including publishing.

Remember, I’m not a computer expert just someone who loves to bake. Yeah, I can use the internet but building a website is another thing. But because of the website maker video tutorials using the website maker is easy. By the way, BlueVoda website maker is free to download. It is the primary reason why I decided to try the website maker to create website. It is also free of adware and spyware so anyone can build a website without worry.

Furthermore, BlueVoda website maker allows unlimited creation of web pages. I can also create many websites and since there is no restriction I was not afraid to make mistakes. I know that I can start over again until I’m fully satisfied with my website enough to publish it.

When it comes to hosting, there is no problem. There is also no need to search anymore since VodaHost, the sister company of BlueVoda offers hosting. I just created an account with VodaHost, and click submits. In just a few minutes, my website is live. The website maker one click publishing is very helpful and useful. I highly recommend this software is worth using. There is no doubt that I will be using it again for another business venture.

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